All part numbers verified through VW and ive used the year 2002 as a guide( numbers always changing etc), PD 160 same engine parts as 130/150
I'll start with the cylinder head, all the 100,115,130,150 PD engines use the same head, camshaft and valves.Headbolts are different, for the hex bolts on the PD130 and 150 its: N 908 897 01, and for the PD100 and 115 its: N 901 300 01
The block and piston set number for the PD130 and 150 are 038 103 101 AB (AH after 2003) and for the PD115 its 038 103 101 J and for the PD100 its 038 103 101 AA.
Piston rings are the same on all PD engines 038 198 151
Oil spray jets for PD130/150 part no. is 028 103 157 B and for the PD115 its 028 103 157 A
Conrod part numbers are the same for the PD150 and 130 and its 038 198 401B for the set and for the PD115 its 038 198 401 and for the PD100 its 038 198 401 E
Crankshaft bearings comes as one part number on the PD115/100 : 026 198 491 and on the PD130/150 : 038 105 561 A 038 105 591 A (upper) (lower)
Crankshaft for the PD115/100 part number is 038 105 021 C and PD130/150 its 038 105 021 K
Conrods bearing shell for PD130/150 part number is 038 105 701 B (lower), 038 105 701 A (upper)
Conrods bearing shell for PD100/115 part number is 045 105 701 (lower), 045 105 701 A (upper)
Water pumps are all the same for all the PDs.
Oil pump for the PD 150/130 part number is 038 115 105D and for the PD115/100 its 06A 115 105B
Injectors for the PD100 part number is 038 130 073 AJ or 038 130 079 CX
Injectors for the PD115 part number is 045 130 073 T or 045 130 079 X
Injectors for the PD130/150 part number is 038 130 073 AL or 038 130 079 BX
Turbo for PD130 part number is 038 253 016 F, for PD 150 : 038 253 016 G, for PD115 its 038 253 019 C (same as TDI 110 vnt 15) and PD 100 turbo is 038 253 019 N.
The only difference between the 130 and 150 was the cheese headbolts...